Dismantling of the Calais “jungle”: what is to be the fate of the young migrants?
Many migrants live in the deplorable conditions of the Calais “jungle” in northern France, waiting to be granted refugee status or to move to other
Many migrants live in the deplorable conditions of the Calais “jungle” in northern France, waiting to be granted refugee status or to move to other
14 girls from FERMUN participated in Girls in ICT day! Several of them appear in this video.
As some issues discussed during FerMUN 2016, like those tackled within the NATO conference, concerns terrorism directly and considering recent news, it seems important –
The 20th of January 2017 will be the end of Barack Obama’s second mandate. The next American presidency, which will take place from 2017 to
One more, as “usual”, Boko Haram has stroke in Cameroon. On wenesday 14th January, a suicide attack has taken place near the Nigerian border in
Last monday, a humanitarian convoy finally entered the city of Madaya. The operation has finally succeeded after the massive spread of pictures on the internet
Yesterday around 3.45 pm, a group of twelve skiers was victim of an avalanche at Deux Alpes in Isère. Some students of the scholar group
Read their article in French