FerMUN 2023 Final report
The final reports are ready, please read our resolutions! You can find the resolutions for the WMO committee in this link.
The final reports are ready, please read our resolutions! You can find the resolutions for the WMO committee in this link.
A better quality of life in a world that is urbanizing UN habitat is a committee in the United Nations program who wants to create
In the biotech campus, the committee debate of the FAO took place, led by the presidents Mariana FARINHA ARAUJO and Alice COLOMBO FIRST DAY :
During the three days of the Fermun 2023 conference, the Un Water committee chaired by Raphaëlle Holroyd and Eléonore Hasler was able to debate and
This year, the World Meteorological Organization will address two issues. The first one is “How to provide safe access to early warning systems for extreme
The digital committee, chaired by Andres Viana Oporto, Norah Moye Ovedraogo and Cherine Abd el All, debated at the Campus Biotech, a university department in
#stopEACOP. This is the new environmental movement to stop one of the biggest projects of the company TotalEnergie, a pipeline to transport oil through Uganda
At the Fermun 2023 conference, for three consecutive days debates took place in the UN Water committee. From my experience as a delegate at my