Official video
FerMUN 2019 news
FerMUN sings and dances in French!
FerMUN is this week!
FerMUN starts this Wednesday 16th January with its prestigious opening ceremony in the Assembly Hall of the United Nations Office in Geneva at 10.00 am. The...
FerMUN 2019 Ferney Chairs
FerMUN 2019 now has its team of Ferney chairs! While some are occupied with exam revisions, and others sit around watching the world cup, the...

The World Intellectual Property Organisation have very generously offered us the use of its establishment. Located in Geneva, a city whose international and political aspect makes it so unique, location is ideal for delegates to develop their debating capacities in a context that allows them be anchored to a diplomatic environment.
For the Opening Ceremony, we are incredibly lucky to be able to welcome participants to the United Nations Palace. As FERMUN reaches more and more people, our voices become more and more apparent and our ideas are starting to become actual solutions. Being able to witness the transition from an idea to a solution in such an iconic building is the most enriching experience a delegate could have.
Issues and Reports
FerMUN 2019 : Building sustainable and resilient societies
FerMUN 2019 is organized into 8 committees, in addition to a Security Council and an International Court of Justice. Two major committees deal with Artificial Intelligence, a key subject in future planning. In parallel, the other six committees focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), following the guidelines of the High Level Political Forum.
The HLPF is the main United Nations platform on sustainable development and it has a central role in the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda and of the Sustainable Development Goals at global level.
Thus, each year, the HLPF focuses on six SDGs surrounding a common theme.
At FerMUN 2019, through discussions with Mr. Bouabid (Representative of the Director General on the United Nations SDGs at WIPO), we decided to follow the priorities chosen by the HLPF, and to have six committees treating one SDG each.
SDG 6 – Clean Water
Chairs : CASTELLORIZIOS Nicolas (castelln@citescolairehugorenoir.org) PENNACINO Victor (vpennacino@gmail.com)
- Ensuring universal access to water and to minimum health standards of drinking water.
- How to encourage investments in sustainable water technology?
Link to the quiz every delegate has to complete here.
SDG 7 – Energy
Chairs : CHÉRIF SAKHO Mariéme (mariemecherifs@gmail.com), PAUWELYN Marit (marit.pauwelyn@gmail.com), VICTOR Camille (camillevictor123@gmail.com)
- How to encourage the use of energy sources, proportionally to their impact on the environment?
- Ensuring economically reasonable and reliable distribution and storage of energy, in both developing and developed countries.
Link to the quiz every delegate has to complete here.
SDG 11 – Sustainable Communities
Chairs : ARAVINTH Sharika (miriamshariks@yahoo.com), BOUANANE Chahinez (chahinez.bne@gmail.com)
- Helping coastal cities and small Island States to be more resilient against rising ocean levels and climate disasters.
- How to provide basic services and infrastructures while dealing with solid waste in the context of urban growth?
Link to the quiz every delegate has to complete here.
SDG 12 – Reducing Waste
Chairs : ABDELLATIF Nouran (Nouran.abdellatif.00@ais-kuwait.org), CATHELINEAU Anaëlle (cathelana@gmail.com)
- Reducing packaging and promoting reusable materials.
- How can Intellectual Property help to develop new sustainable production patterns?
Link to the quiz every delegate has to complete here.
SDG 15 – Life on Land
Chairs : DERVAUX Romane (dervaux.romane@gmail.com), GHANDOUR Salma (salma.ghandour.00@ais-kuwait.org), VIAL Jérémy (jem.vial@gmail.com)
- Fighting against wildlife poaching and trafficking.
- Ensuring biodiversity conservation and the effective use of genetic resources.
Link to the quiz every delegate has to complete here.
SDG 17 – Partnerships (Unilingual committee: English ONLY)
Chairs : BUCHNAK Sima (sbuchnak@gmail.com), JAGOE Garrison (garrisonlouis2002@gmail.com)
- Developing Public-Private partnerships to improve the quality and efficiency of services.
- How to involve civil society in the SDGs’ application
Link to the quiz every delegate has to complete here.
AI & Ethics
Chairs : GREY Gessienne (gessienne.grey@writopialab.org), KHALED SEDKY Hanya (Hanya.ksedky@gmail.com), POUGET Anaya (pouget.anaya@gmail.com)
- The ethical implications of the deployment of Artificial Intelligence technologies for the international community.
- The legal rights and responsibilities (taxation, right to Intellectual Property, etc.) of autonomous artificial intelligence entities.
Link to the quiz every delegate has to complete here.
AI & Society (trilingual committee : French, English, Spanish)
Chairs : GUERIN Camille (camille.guerin.137@gmail.com), RUTCH MURILLO Brandon (brrumur476@gmail.com), TROWBRIDGE Noah (noah.george@hotmail.fr)
- How to generalise the use of AI without affecting secure employment?
- How to ensure the intellectual property of works created by the AI?
Envía un e-mail a los presidentes si quieres el informe en español!
Link to the quiz every delegate has to complete here.
Security Council
Chairs : JENA Arindum (jena.a.419@isg.edu.sa), SEMERIA Savinien (savinien.semeria@ymail.com)
- Counterattacking drug trafficking to rebuild Latin American society.
- Combatting terrorist organisation Boko Haram in Nigeria.
Link to the quiz every delegate has to complete here.
International Court of Justice (French ONLY)
Chairs : LABBADI Angélique (angelique.mlabbadi.pro@gmail.com), ORAN Deniz (deniz.oran@sj.k12.tr)
- Whaling in Antarctica.
Participants must collect their badges. The organization is:
- badges are given out in families for those who are hosted in families
- badges are delivered at the hotel or youth hostel during the check in
3.00 pm : Chairs meeting at WIPO
8.30 meeting point at UNOG for opening ceremony
10.00 Opening ceremony (UN Office of Geneva)
12.00-13.20 Staggered lunch in WIPO main hall
13.15-14.00 Sessions in committees
14.30 Welcome with WIPO Director General
15.30 Coffee Break
15.45-18.00 Lobbying in committees
15.45-16.45 MUN Directors meeting – room 13.1 (13th floor)
18.00-18.30 Briefing with chairs translators interpreters admins
8.30-9.30 Experts in committees
9.30 Coffee Break
9.45-10.45 MUN Directors meeting – room 13.1 (13th floor)
9.45-18.00 Formal debates
12.15-13.00 Lunch in WIPO main hall
15.30 Coffee Break
18.00-18.30 Briefing with chairs translators interpreters admins
18.30-20.00 Theater “HOME” at WIPO in WCH.
8.30-15.15 Formal debates
10.00 Coffee Break
10.00-11.30 MUN Directors meeting – room 13.1 (13th floor)
12.15-13.00 Lunch in WIPO main hall
15.30-17.30 Closing Ceremony
18.00-23.00 Prestigious MUN Party
Invited schools
50 schools from 28 countries participated in FerMUN 2019
- All Hallows School, Brisbane
- Cranbrook School, Bellevue Hill
- Monte Sant Angelo, North Sydney
- Queensland Academy for Creative Industries, Kelvin Grove
- Beijing Royal School
Costa Rica
- Blue Valley School, San Rafael
Czech Republic:
- Gymnazium Boskovice, Boskovice
- Lycée Français Prins Henrik, Copenhague
Dominican Republic
- Escuela Técnico Profesional MOVEARTE
- Liceo El Corozo, Moca, Provincia Espaillat
- Politécnico Fabio Amable Mota
- Oasis International School, Le Caire
- Centre de Formation Professionnelle Les Charmilles, St Martin d’Hères
- Institut Fénelon, Grasse
- Institution St Paul, St Etienne
- ITEC Bois Fleury, Corenc
- Lycée Bellevue, Fort de France
- Lycée Blaise Pascal, Charbonnières-les-bains
- Lycée Externat Notre Dame, Grenoble
- Lycée International, Ferney-Voltaire
- Lycée Vaugelas, Chambéry
- Berlin International School, Berlin
- Carl-Theodor-Schule, Schwetzingen
- Ecole Greco-Française KALAMARI, Thessalonique
- Maheshwari Public School, Jaïpur
Ivory Coast
- Lycee Francais Blaise Pascal, Abidjan
- Liceo Lucrezio Caro, Roma
- Munithu Girls Secondary School, Meru
- American International School, Salmiya
- International school of Monaco
- Lycée Français, Agadir
- Lycée Français Victor Hugo, Marrakech
New Zealand:
- Kelston Boys High School, Auckland
- St Cuthbert’s College, Auckland
- St Peter’s Cambridge, Hamilton
- Woodford House, Havelock North
- Lycée Français La Fontaine, Niamey
- Green Hills Academy, Kigali
Saudi Arabia
- Dhahran High School, Al-Khobar
- Lycée Demba Diop, Mbour
- Lycée Français, Barcelone
- Escola Pia Sarrià-Calassanç, Barcelone
- Institut Montana, Zugerberg
- Liceo Vilfredo Pareto, Mies
- Lycée St Benoit, Istanbul
- Lycée Saint Joseph, Istanbul
United Arab Emirates
- Delhi Private School ,Sharjah
United Kingdom
- Alexandra Park School, London
- Invicta Grammar School, Maidstone
United States of America
- Community School of Naples