The local market in Ferney-Voltaire was buzzing with activity, as a number of FerMUN students gathered under the famous Voltaire statue to organise a cake sale to raise funds for The Solidarity Fund.

But what is The Solidarity Fund, and what is it actually for? First of all, it is worth remembering that the MUN Solidarity Fund is the total of all proceeds generated by the association through fundraising events such as bag packing and cake sales. This fund is then used for purely solidarity purposes; to help families in difficulty to finance all or part of their students’ participation in our January conference, or to buy plane tickets for participants from foreign schools in need, so that they can travel to Geneva. 

The conference represents a unique opportunity for curious young minds to exchange ideas, debate global issues and cultivate a passion for learning. It is important to FerMUN that students from all backgrounds are able to participate and the event was organised with this in mind.

The bake sale, which had been meticulously prepared for weeks by Suzanne and Alexandre, our solidarity fund managers, offered a wide variety of tempting desserts. Consumers were free to set their own prices by donating the amount of their choice. The people of Ferney-Voltaire were incredibly generous and supportive of our cause. Many expressed their admiration for the high school students’ commitment, with some passers-by even stopping for the sole purpose of donating.

At the close of the event, the organisers were delighted to note that they had far exceeded their initial fundraising target. Thanks to the generosity of the people of Ferney-Voltaire, FerMUN students succeeded in bringing to life their vision of an inclusive annual conference, with students of all backgrounds coming together to learn from each other and build a better future.

Suzanne BRUNEL and Capucine ALEXANDRE