The last 6th of January, for the first time, North Korean government has claimed having managed its first test of the hydrogen bomb. This is however not the first time that North Korea launches nuclear bombs. Indeed, it’s the fourth time since 2006, but this is the first time that fission is generated by “the only uranium and plutonium”. Already with the previous tests, international sanctions had been taken such as in October 2006 where the UN Security Council ordered North Korea to destroy its nuclear arsenal after the first trial, a year later she agrees to destroy its nuclear facilities, but despite a call to order, the country has continued its tests, we therefore infer that it is not faithful to its commitments. Some delegations as the United States, the Japan and the South Korea condemns these acts but emit a doubt concerning the nuclear object. On the other hand, the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has evaluated these tests as being a “serious challenge to the global nuclear non-proliferation efforts and a serious threat to the Japan”.
Like Seoul, the Government said it would respond firmly to North Korean approach.
For purposes of prevention and punishment, the Security Council met on the same day to discuss sanctions against North Korea. The 15 members of this Council have unanimously decided to “start working immediately on such measures” that will be contained in a new resolution of the Security Council. Even China, ally of the Korea of the North since 1950, has adopted it. The 15 members of this Council have unanimously decided to “start working immediately on such measures” that will be contained in a new resolution of the Security Council. Even China, ally of the Korea of the North since 1950, has adopted it. At present the Security Council gave no more information about the nature of the measures taken.
International relations remain so for the less strained, and the verdict of the Security Council will settle nothing.
Among these, two Korean neighbors, maintain conflicting relations since the end of the second world war. Indeed, both “provinces” have had quite different political regimes after 1945 the Korea in 2 parties at the level of the 38th parallel: the North supported by the USSR and its Communist regime and the South by the United States. Even after the 1950 Korea war, two “enemies” have remained cold. Thus, on 13th January, we learn that South Korea would have made firing “summation” against the drone coming from the North, what inflame their already complex relationship. South Korea had also strongly react following nuclear tests by its rival, in let us remember, strongly condemning such acts and disseminating at the 38th border of the two States, North Korean anti propaganda messages. The Government of Kim Jong-un, consequently replied this morning, Thursday, January 14, by sending thousands of leaflets to the South of the 38th parallel. Relations between the two neighbours are far from improving and international results that they could cause would not be without consequences.
In taking into account the past, it’s necessary to manage the present in order to better predict the future, is a new Korea war inevitable? The decisions to be taken in the next few days will be decisive for the future of the World.
Nina Bethenod
Alexandre Bedo