During this period of quarantine previously undiscovered by history, FerMUN found ways to bring the youth together, to find some joy in these trying times.

Throughout this COVID-19 outbreak, many civilisations are quarantined in their homes as a means to reduce the spread of this pandemic. Through these times, here in France, FerMUN has found it hard to communicate and debate with their students. However, we have found several ways to continuously train our generation’s minds to debate and express their opinions.

As a way to bring alive the youth participating in FerMUN, we have organized online debates through a common Discord server, where, for two weeks now, willing students have participated in debates with their fellow students, giving them an opportunity to train their voices and express their opinions. We have formed several committees, and written issues concerning the pandemic and its impact on societies and how to deal with these upcoming problems. Building a more resilient society is an important and fundamental goal FerMUN is trying to reach by helping students engage in modern diplomacy. Furthermore, these issues address ecological and environmental problems as well as economic, sanitary and questions on education. Facing the technological and technical issues with the server was challenging, but we are trying to improve these as a way to make the running of this new and exciting exercise even smoother.

In addition to the online, animated debates taking place on wednesdays, FerMUN brought together the youth of the world, creating a sense of solidarity. Indeed, we put together a video of volunteering students, all saying “Stay At Home” in their mother tongues, as a way to create diversity across the globe, uniting all students towards a common goal: beating this pandemic. This video was then broadcast across all media platforms, our goal being trying to reach the most eyes and ears possible, raising awareness and making sure people stay safe.