As the curtains draw to a close on the unforgettable FerMUN 2024 conference , the eager MUNers can’t help but to start thinking about FerMUN 2025. As we look back on the passionate debates, inspiring exchanges and triumphant teamwork of FerMUN 2024, we ask ourselves how to make the next conference even better than the last. This great responsibility is taken on by our amazing MUN directors, who are also responsible for selecting students for a special executive team: the board. Let’s unmask this team and their roles in this article!

MUN conferences are, of course, the product of months of hard work and dedication, orchestrated by the students, MUN directors and the Board team. The MUN directors (Mme Baudry, Mr Launay, Mme Zory, Mr Konieczny and Mr Robson) are the engines that keep the FerMUN machine running : they are the organisers, guides and mentors of the young diplomats of FerMUN. They also select the Board, a team of students which implements the organisation and planning set out by the FerMUN Directors. This team is assembled in the spring as the preparation and training for the next FerMUN conference begins.

Without further ado, let’s meet the FerMUN 2024 board!

Secretary General : Adrienne HUSNY

I am German, Austrian and Dutch and have moved to France in 2020 after living next to Munich for 10 years. In my free-time, I love to read, dance and crochet, as well as spending time with my family and friends. As this year’s SG, my goal is to bring people from all over the world together to learn more about their cultures, traditions, countries and history. I want to understand their points of view, find new friends and to get a great experience out of this conference.

Deputy Secretary General in charge of delegates: Waliya SAID ABASSE

Hello, I’m Waliya Said Abasse, a high school student at the Lycée de Ferney-Voltaire in Saint-Genis-Pouilly. I am of Comorian and French nationality. I love reading, discovering new languages and practicing taekwondo. This year, I am Deputy Secretary General for the delegates. My aim is to prepare them as well as possible so that they can make the most of their exceptional ideas!

Deputy Secretary General in charge of chairs: Jasmine BENLECHHAB

I’m French, German and Moroccan, and I’ve always lived in Gex. In my spare time, I do a lot of sport, especially mountain biking and cross-country skiing. For FerMUN 2025, I’m in charge of preparing the committee chairs. My priority is to make sure they feel as comfortable as possible and that everyone spends a great year!

Heads of Admins and Solidarity Funds: Julie CARVAILLO and Noah PENGLOAN

Julie Carvaillo: I am in the British national section of Ferney-Voltaire. I have lived in the Pays de Gex for approximately ten years now. As much as I love MUN, I am also a big movie fan. As head of admins, I am really looking forward to building a great team for the FerMUN 2025 conference, which seems miles away, but will be arriving very fast.

Noah Pengloan: I am French but I speak both English and French. I’ve traveled a lot in French speaking countries during my youth (Belgium, Switzerland and France). Out of school I love reading, playing video games and hurting my fingers while playing guitar. During this year’s seating at the board, my goal is to revalue the admins role and develop the solidarity fund sector to unite our MUN group.

Head of Press: Marta PROKOPCHUK

I’m a proud Canadian and Ukrainian who’s called the Pays de Gex home since I was 11. I love geopolitics, reading good books (preferably something philosophical) , and volleyball. As this year’s Head of press, my mission is to capture every unforgettable moment of the FerMUN 2025 conference, turning them into articles, videos, and photos that will stand the test of time.

Head of Translation: Marcos VALLÈS CORTÉS

My name is Marcos, and as you might have guessed it, I am French and Spanish. I also learned English after listening to a lot lot lot of music (it’s amazing). Since I’ve always loved reading and writing I decided to work on trilingualism. As I use all three languages on a daily basis, I really want to see all of them used for the most noble goal: finding a consensus. This is my main aim for FerMUN 2025.

Head of Interpretation: Giulia DEL MAESTRO

My name is Giulia, I’m originally Italian and I speak three languages (for now). In my free time I write poetry and (unfinished) novels. My goal for FerMUN 2025 is to perfect the training of interpreters, so they too can enjoy the full FerMUN experience, and ensure seamless communication between the three official languages. This opportunity and this freedom is what I strive towards, above all.

Written by Marta Prokopchuk